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Vedic Astrology
KP Astrology
Tantra/Yantra/ Mantra
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Special Offer from Sterling Publications

Krishnamurti Padhdhati
Title :  Transit [Gocharpala Nirnayam]
It is a sub-branch of Natal Astrology called "Gochara-Palan", which Westerners called "Transit". The book implement the technique of K.P. Astrology in Transit. With dozens of example listed in it with detailed explanation

: K. S. Krishnamurti
Publisher :Krishman & Co.
Pages :331
Weight :350Gm Width :14Cm Height :21Cm
Title :  Predictive Stellar Astrology
In this book, the principles of K.P. is well explained, properly illustrated and exhaustively dealt with in a lucid manner. A few articles on different captions, written by eminent K.P.Astrologers of yesteryears are also included for the benefit of reader.

: K. S. Krishnamurti
Publisher :Krishman & Co.
Pages :526
Weight :520Gm Width :14Cm Height :21Cm
Title :  Fundamental Principles of Astrology
The Book is wonderful explanation of principles of Astrology. The books starts with History of Astrology, with guide lines for Astrologer. The use and limitations of Astrology. The role and importnace of Karma, Destiny fate, Shanti to ward of evil etc.

: K. S. Krishnamurti
Publisher :Krishnamurti Publications
Pages :344
Weight :335Gm Width :14Cm Height :21Cm
Title :  How to Judge Longevity
In this book, the author has chosen to write elaborately on Longevity duly giving various lessons to make easy for the students of Astrology to assess total span of life from a nativity or a Horary Chart, to make the student thoroughly familiar with the principles under the system of SUB THEORY and also to arrive at the significator connected to MARAKA and BHADHKA houses.

: K. Hariharan
Publisher :Krishnamurti Publications
Pages :100
Weight :120Gm Width :14Cm Height :21Cm
Other Astrology
Title :  The Horoscope In Detail
In preparing this book, the author’s endeavor was to make it as practical as possible. To gain room for the insertion of new matter, rules have been condensed and abbreviated, and everything belonging to the philosophical or abstract side of the subject has been omitted. A beginner of astrology will find it sufficiently practical and trustworthy to induce him after having familiarized himself with this, to proceed to the study of advanced works. Practical experiences of this book will be able to convince any fair-minded person that astrology is based on actual facts and that it will continuously keep on gaining popularity with the time coming ahead.

: Alan Leo And H.S. Green
Publisher :Sagar Publications
Pages :82
Weight :110Gm Width :14Cm Height :22Cm
Title :  HandwritingAnalysis
This book is written to Spread The Gospel" about graphology in order for all of us to enjoy and take advantage of its usefulness. The more of us that take a decided interest in it, the more its acceptance.

: Jess E. Dines
Publisher :Sterling Publishers
Pages :116
Weight :150Gm Width :14Cm Height :22Cm
Title :  Everybody's Guide to Palmistry
The complete book. It gives scientific analysis of hand judgement of character, personality, choice of profession, selection of marriage partner, diagnosis of diseases, span of life etc. The comprehensive treatise will enable the reader to make the best use of palmistry in practical life.

: Shri Krishna Das
Publisher :Sterling Publishers
Pages :246
Weight :270Gm Width :13Cm Height :21Cm
Title :  KP Panchang 2004
This is the key gide for Astrologers to give accurate & precious predictions. One can easily find out about the nine planets.
For special discount on Bulk Order, Contact on

: Prof. K. Hariharan & Dr. E. Venkataramani
Publisher :Krishanmurti Publications
Pages :102
Weight :150Gm Width :18Cm Height :24Cm
Title :  Practicals Of Mantras Tantras
Mantra shakti is the supreme than tantra shakti. The book is divided into two parts the tantra and the mantra. Both deal with mystic formulae. Mantra and Tantra are Sandhanas, methods, path and technique. These are not magic or jadoo tona. This science consists of occult practices to be undertaken under the guidance of a guru. It enjoins the worships of a deva or deities, meditation on them, the recitation on mantras and the use of Tantra and Mantra for achieving the goal. All such methods have been provided in detail in this book. The author through years Sadhna and practice has provided certain Mantras and Tantras, which stand tested for their results and have been, indicated so. The others are academic research and practice by the students and sadhakas.

: L.R. Chawdhri
Publisher :Sagar Publications
Pages :260
Weight :430Gm Width :14Cm Height :22Cm
Vedic Astrology
Title :  Friends Not Foes SATURN & MARS
The traditional school of astrology considers Mars and Saturn to be malefic stars. however, on closer examination of the influence of Mars and Saturn on the lives of a number of illustrious people, the author has come forward with a novel and revolutionary discovery.

: M. L. Sharma
Publisher :Sterling Publishers
Pages :127
Weight :195Gm Width :13Cm Height :21Cm
Title :  Astrology & Love Life
This book is an attempt to decipher the intricacies of the compatibility of Zodiac Signs, the attraction between people of diverse temperaments. These deducations have been drawn by the Author after 40 years of the academic study of Astrology.

: Mahan Vir Tulli
Publisher :Sterling Publishers
Pages :141
Weight :175Gm Width :14Cm Height :20Cm
Title :  Vedic Nadi Astrology and Career
The detailed explanation of Nadi Astrology, used widely in South India. The system is found to be very accurate for the determination of the profession.

: V. Raghuraman
Publisher :Sterling Publishers
Pages :137
Weight :185Gm Width :14Cm Height :21Cm