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Palmistry, also known as Chirology, is a marvellous edifice today. It borrows its stones from the anceint civilisations of all lands. Your palm is your personality. Very few people realise that they are carrying around a full-scape map of their character and potentialiteis. Besides being a fascinating study, palmistry can help in vocational guidance, health and psychological diagnosis, pertnership compatibility, etc.

The art and science of hand - reading originated in India. The ancient monuments of India take us back to the prehistoric period of the Aryan civilization. Among the Hindu sages who propagated this art include Garga, Gautama, Bharadwaja, Agastya, Bhrigu, Atri and Kashyapa. It is mentioned in the Puranas that the divine sage, Narada, practised this art. Maharshi Valmiki is reported to have written a book entitled " The Teachings of Valmiki Maharshi on Male Palmistry, comprising 567 stanzas, about 4,000 to 5,000 years ago.

From India, the art of hand - reading spread to China, Tibet, Egypt, Persia and to other countries in Europe. Palmistry came to China about 3,000 years before the birth of Christ. It progressed well in Greece where Anaxagoras practised it 

According to Hindu philosophy, a person takes birth according to his / her past actions (karmas). As Human beings differ in shape, features, constitution, etc., so do the lines on the hands so that the redges on the thumb and papillary lines on the fingers and the thumb do not agree with those on any other thumb and fingers even from amongest 100 carores of people!

The Types  of Hands

PALMISTS have gevin different versions of the types of hands. Cheiro has mentioned seven types of hands, Madame Saint Germain nine and M.M. Gaffar two.
There is also a simple classification:
Crude hands : thick, hard and irregular belong to a manual worker.
Large hands (with long fingers) : This type of  such hands is fond of details. He is irritable by temperament.
Broad hands(square type): This type of hand shows commonsense, broad-mindedness, activity and a practical and businesslike attitude.
Small hands : The possessor of such hands is contented but likes to plan and to manage more than he can exicute.
Large and narrow hands : The person with such hands is more imaginative and idealist than practical. If hands are long and thin, the person is selfish.
Lately, some palmists have classified the hand accordance with four homours.

The Mounts

The fleshy pads below the fingers, thumb and at the base of the palm are called mounts. All the planets mentioned in the preceding pages are represented on the hand When a mount is raised and the apex is centrally locted, or it has favourable signs on it, it is said to be strong. When flat, it is ordinary, but when depressed or has bad signs on it, it is weak and unfavourable.When a mount is overdeveloped, the qualities of the mount go to the extreme and turn adverse.For example, an underdeveloped Mount of Jupiter will make a person proud, jealous and boastful.  

The Fingers

While closing the hand , if the fingers cover the whole palm, they are considered long. Another method is to measure the palm from its bottom to the first crease beneath the second finger, which is measured from its base crease to its top. If the palm is 4 1/2 (four and a half) and this finger is 3 1/4 ( three fourth ) , they are considered normal. If the length of finger is more than the length of the palm, it is long; if less than 3", it is short in relation of the palm.
Planets Associated with Fingers :
1.   The little finger - Mercury - reveals health and professional ability.
2.   The ring finger - Apollo  - shows fame and fourune.
3.   The middle finger - Saturn  - indicates distinction and excellence.
4.   The index finger - Jupiter  - symbolises ambition and self - esteem.
5.   The thumb shows power and authority.

The Nails

Nails are made of a substance called 'keratin'. It is a tough, dead form of protein or horn - like material. Finger nails grow about 50 millimetres in a year.
While examining the nails, their colour and texture should not be ignored. The nails show the state of health and disposition of person. In ancient scriptures, it is claimed that planets influence, filter into the blood through the nails and vibrations from the atmosphere are also absorbed through them.
1.   Long Nails indicate a weak physique. The person is liable to suffer from chest and lung troubles.
      a) Long , thin, brittle - a weak physique.     b) Long , thin , curved - a violent disposition in love.
      c) Long , thin, narrow - timidity and cowardice. d) Long , broad , round - sound judgement.
2.   Short Nails - the possessor of short nails is aggressive in approach , impulsive in speech and action.
      a) Short, flat, shell-shaped - indicates sure signs of paralysis.  b) Short, moonless - poor blood circulation.
      c) Short , hard -- a quarrelsome disposition.  d) Short, with a soft palm -- an inborn critic.
3.   Broad Nails are more broad than long and square at the base. Such nails are found on square, spatulate or
      philosophical hands. They indicate good mentality, practically, frankness, simplicity, self - confidence.


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