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Lord of obstructions. A planet, which invariably creates difficulties whenever it gets a chance to do so. Such a planet has the capacity to destroy the auspicious effects of lucky planets. There are several methods of identifying such a planet. The most extensive view is that the lords of the 11th, 9th or the 7th houses in a natal chart become dependent upon the ascendant or its lord, being placed in a cardinal, fixed or in a common sign.


12th of the 60-year cycle of Samvatsara (q.v.). It is ruled by Brahma (q.v). Individuals born during this year are bestowed with religious learning, skill in different arts, and humility in disposition.


Also known as Bhoga Rasi. A term used in Jaimini Astrology for deciding the planetary ruler ship operating at any time. It is identified by counting the Dvara Rasi (q.v.) or the house under consideration from the ascendant, and extending the distance further by the same distance.


A planetary combination under which all benefices (q.v.) are located in the 1st and 7th houses in a natal chart. It makes the individual good-natured and lucky during the first and the last phase of his life.


The elder brother of Krishna. Krishna is regarded as the full manifestation of Vishnu, but Balarama according to some is regarded as his seventh avatara. About his birth, the Vaishnavaites believe that Vishnu took two hairs from his body, a white and a black one which took birth as the sons of Devaki and Vasudeva. and became Balarama Krishna. Balarama. was of a fair complexion while Krishna was of a dark blue color. As soon as Krishna was born, he was carried to Gokula village to preserve his life from the tyrant Kamsa. Another legend states that the foetus itself was transferred from Devaki to Rohini (the personifi-cation of the 4th asterism) who became his foster-mother. Balarama and Krishna grew up together. When Krishna went to Mathura, Balarama accompanied him and effectively supported him till he killed Kamsa. He was very fond of intoxicating drinks. His favorite weapons of assault were club, ploughshare, and pestle. He taught the technique of club fight, the use of mace in assault and defense to both Duryodhana and Bheema, the two heroes of the Mahabharata War fighting from opposite sides. He himself refused to take an active part on any side in the Great War.

Balarama was married to Revati, the personification of the 27th asterism. He was considered, according to one view, to be an incarnation of Sesha Naga (q.v.), the mythological serpent that supports the earth on his hood. When Balarama died, a serpent is said to have issued forth from his mouth to go to its divine habitat.


Period of serious affliction with the likelihood of its causing death during the child's infancy. There are three methods used for calculating it, which are known as Gandaristha, Graharistha, and Patakaristha. The first one occurs if a child is born at certain junction-points of zodiacal signs or of asterisms. The boundaries of Cancer-Leo, Scorpio-Sagittarius, and Pisces-Aries are considered inauspicious for this purpose. One-and-a-half-hour before the end of Ashlesha, Jyestha, and Revati, and the same duration before the beginning of Makkha, Moolam, and Ashwini is likely to cause infant mortality.

Graharistha refers to certain weak-nesses of planets at birth. Affliction of the Moon is one such important factor. A weak Moon accepted by malefic, and unsupported by any benefice produces the affliction, especially if it occupies the 3rd, 6th, 8th or the 12th house. In case the Moon is strong and is accepted by the powerful beneficial Jupiter, the evil effect is destroyed.

Patakistha depends on intricate relationships between certain zodiacal signs. This affliction is worked out on the basis of certain favorable or antipathy relationships between certain planets and signs. Each sign is assigned certain numerical values based on the planet-zodiacal relationships, on which basis the date of fatality is worked out. (For details see Jyotish Ratnakara, vol. I, pp. 214-39)


An imaginary belt around the ecliptic through which the planets traverse during their sojourn around the Sun. It represents a space approximately 90 above and 90 below the path of ecliptic on which all the planets, including the Sun, traverse.


The 25th asterism extending from 3200 00' to 3330 20' of the zodiac. It consists of 2 stars symbolizing a sword. The Vedic deity Aja Ekapada (q.v.) presides over it. Jupiter owns the asterism. Its primary attribute is sattwa (q.v.) and its motivational impulse is artha (q.v.). It imparts fearlessness to those who are spiritual in temperament, but on the materialistic side, anguish and sorrow result from it. It impels the individual to work for universal unity with courage, vision, and complete detachment. Purva Bhadrapada imparts immensely active impulse: it radically affects the personal life of the individual concerned. (See MSK pp. 245-47)


The 26th asterism which extends from 3330 20' to 3460 40' of the zodiac. Saturn owns the asterism and the Vedic deity Ahir Budhnya (q.v.) presides over it. Purva and Uttara Bhadrapadas complement each other; together they are represented by 4 stars, which symbolise the four legs of a cot. The 2 stars assigned to Uttara Bhadrapada are also said to symbolise a twin as well as the number 2.

The primary motivating impulse of Uttara Bhadrapada is kama (q.v.); its primary attribute is sattwa (q.v.). Under this asterism opposing forces clash with each other. The asterism is categorized in the warrior class, and it imparts strong determination to persevere, protect, and cooperate with the Divine Plan, notwithstanding any hardship one may' have to suffer. It is considered masculine, active and completely indifferent to worldly matters. It is classified as cow by species, and it lives to provide nourishment to others. The asterism leads the spiritually inclined individuals towards liberation, Nirvana, but if the individual is still on the materialistic side of evolution, it makes him careless, lazy, irresponsible and dull. (See MSVA, pp. 248-50)


One of the five combinations under Pancha Mahapurushayoga (q.v.) Mercury in exaltation or in its own sign occupying a cardinal house either from ascendant or from the Moon produces Bhadrayoga. The combination produces gracious behavior.

Another kind of Bhadrayoga is formed by the Moon and Jupiter placed in the 2nd house, the lord of the 2nd house in the 11th house, and the ascendant lord associated with benefices. The combination makes the person learned, intelligent, capable of understanding the feelings of others. He is skilled in many arts.


Bhaga means female reproductive organ while Bhaga Devata is a Vedic deity who is invoked to bestow affluence, happiness and good luck. Both of them, in Vedic literature, represent the power that leads to light and delight. Explaining the significance of Bhaga or Bhaga Devata among the Vedic gods, Aurobindo states this deity along with Varuna, Mitra, and Aryaman, to be guardians of Light; these four together build up the divine state into its perfection. Together they also represent the essential trinity of Sachchidananda-Existence (Sat), Consciousness (Chit), and Bliss (Ananda) with self-awareness and self-force, chit and tapas. This state of consciousness and perfection is translated into its cosmic terms and equivalents as the four of all-devas-Vishwadevas. Varuna, the king, has his foundation in the all-pervading purity of Sat; Mitra, the happy and the mighty the most beloved of the gods, in the all-uniting light of Chit, many-charioted Aryaman in the movement and all-discerning force of tapas; while Bhaga is the all-embracing joy of Ananda.

Bhaga also refers to the Sun, Moon, and Shiva. It presides over Uttara Phalguni (q.v.), the 12th asterism.

(See, The Secret of the Veda, pp. 438-46; pp. 463-64)


Derived from the root referring to the act of separation, division; commonly translated to mean love, reverence, and devotion. In religion, it refers to divine love, which brings together the Supreme Self and the separated human individual. Realization of this separation produces intense desire for reunification. It can arise due to grief, mutation, or spiritual perception.

Narada (q.v.) classified Bhakti in 11 categories, viz., (i) glorification of the Lord's blessed qualities, (ii) infatuation with divine beauty, (iii) worship-ping, GO constant remembering of the Almighty, (v) serving the deity, (vi) friendly affection towards the various incarnations of god, (vii) devotion towards the Supreme as that of a son, (viii) loving as a married partner, (ix) Self-surrendering, (x) complete identification with the deity, and (xi) experiencing the pain of duality. (See Narada Bhakti Sutra, verse 82)

Bhakti cult is based on the philosophy of duality. The separation of the devotee from his beloved causes pain. In order to overcome it, he Pines for the object of his love similar to the craving of Gopis for Krishna.

Devotion is said to be of 3 kinds, viz., Sattwic (harmonious), Tamasic (inertial), and Rajasic (full of action with a sense of pride). It is approached equally by the mystics as well as by the occultists, making the approach possible both emotionally and intellectually.


Brightness; a ray of light; beauty; the Sun, the sovereign. (See, Sun)


A Vedic sage, the son of Brihaspati (q.v.) by Mamata, the wife of Utathya, a rishi of great power. Bharadwaja was the father of Drona, the teacher of the Kauravas and Pandavas. The Taittiriya Brahmana describes him as the sage who lived through three lives and became immortal and ascended the heavenly world to unite with the Sun. In the Mahabharata, he is said to be living in Haridwar. In the Ramayana, he received Rama, Sita and Lakshmana at his hermitage when they were in exile. According to Puranic stories, he was adopted by King Bharat. There is also an allegorical story, which states that his mother, the wife of Utathya, was pregnant by her husband as well as Brihaspati. Dirghatamas, the son of her husband, kicked his half-brother out of the womb before the due time, but at this time Brihaspati told the mother 'Bhara-dwa-jam', meaning, cherish this child of two fathers', and this is how the child got his name Bharadwaja.

Bharadwaja is one of the Sapta-rishis, the seven sages, of the present Manvantara (q.v.), and represents the special ray of harmony. His basic teaching emphasizes that thirst for life must be given up for redemption from human bondage and sufferings.


The 2nd asterism extending from 130 20' to 260 40' of the zodiac. It is ruled by Venus; its presiding deity is Yama (q.v.), the god of death. Artha is its basic motivation, and its primary attribute is Rajas. It consists of 3 stars symbolizing Bhaga, the female generative organ. It is classified as outcaste by caste classification, elephant by species and human being by temperament.

The esoteric significance of the asterism is revealed by (i) Bhaga, which also refers to one of the four Vedic gods included under Vishwadevas (q.v.). This god stands for Divine Ecstasy, or Bliss, which is a basic aspect of the Supreme Spirit. The asterism as such produces great delight which may sometimes be followed by material disappointment. The second aspect of the asterism is signified by (ii) Shakti, which as the asterisms primeval element provides the necessary environmental backing for its creative functions. (iii) Yama, the presiding deity of the asterism reveals its third main feature. Yama leads to complete annihilation of everything phenomenal. The asterism is expected to reveal the inner subjective significance of different conditions of existence. (See MSVA pp. 174-76)


[(Bhas = light, lustre) + (kara = to cause)]. A name given to the Sun. It stands for the 'life-giver' and 'the light-maker'.


A planetary combination formed by Mercury placed 2nd from Sun, Moon 11th from Mercury, and Jupiter in a trine house from the Moon. These conditions imply that Mercury is 2nd from Sun, Moon is 12th, and Jupiter is either in the 4th or the 8th house from

Sun. A person born under this combination is courageous, powerful, learned, has deep knowledge of religious scriptures, mathematics and classical music.


(i) A house-division in a natal chart corresponding to the signification of a house. In equal house division chart, each house measures 30 degrees and corresponds to a zodiacal sign; these house divisions do not necessarily correspond to an aspect of life as denoted by different house divisions. There are several methods for deciding the extent of different bhavas: the Regiomontanus' house division is one such method of demarcating the limits of a house. Depending upon the latitude, season, and time of birth, the size of different bhavas in a horoscope may be different from one another. (ii) Bhava is also the 8th year in a cycle of 60 Samvatsara (q.v.). It is presided over by Brahma. Persons born during this year are ambitious, skilled in many arts, and fond of flesh-food.


The horoscope in which planets are shown in different house divisions worked out on the basis of precise delineation of different bhavas, which are neither necessarily synchronous with zodiacal signs, nor of equal divisions.


The mid-point of the extension of a house division.


The borderline between two house divisions. Planets situated at these points are considered ineffective.


An important principle of predictive Vedic astrology. It suggests that the significance of a house is deciphered by the disposition of the same house relative to it. It implies that the significance of, for example, the 2nd house can be determined also by taking into account the 2nd house from the 2nd house, which will be the 3rd house in a natal chart. To give another example, the significance of the 5th house should be decided in conjunction also with the 5th from the 5th house, which will be the 9th house in the horoscope. (For details, see VAH, vol. I., pp. 216-20)


A planetary combination formed by Moon in the 10th house, the navamsa lord of Moon in exaltation, and the lord of the 9th house associated with the lord of the 2nd house. This combination makes a person rich, respected and learned; he may be renowned as a botanist and a collec-tor of artifacts.


The planetary combination which is formed in 3 ways: (i) all planets occupy the ascendant, in the 2nd, 7th, and 10th houses; (ii) Venus and the lord of ascendant are placed in a cardinal house from the ascendant, and the lord of the 9th house is strong. (iii) Venus and the lord of Ascendant and Jupiter are in mutual angles and the lord of the 9th house is strong. All these combinations make the individual learned in scientific subjects, practical in mundane affairs, and well provided with wealth and luxuries of life.


From the word Bhikkhu in Pali language; a mendicant.


Experiencing sexual enjoyment; an object of pleasure. The expanded hood of a serpent.


Venus; the planet of affluence and sensual pleasure.


Longitudinal distance traversed (specially in any specific zodiacal sign).

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