

Astrology : K.P.

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From : Pandit Srikant Sharma
To :     Aryabhatt.com

Dear Sir,

I heartily congratulate you on briniging the exclusive section on K.P. Astrology on your site. It has been missing for long time. Very few other sites has given such a detailed preview of K.P. astrology.

The descriptive note on all the six readers is welcoming step on your site. Astrology lovers will find this information very useful.

Accept my best wishes, for your site and company. I look forward to more information on another aspects of Astrology in near future.

Pandit Srikant Sharma

From : Vaishnav , Pune
To     : Aryabhatt Astrology

Dear Arybhatt team,

I appreciate the work done by Aryabhatt team. You people are doing very good work in bringing astrology in to the reach of common man. The contents on your site are impressive. Specially the free section is wonderful.

Now with the introduction of   K.P. Astrology you have added another feather on your site. It is much awaited section for me.

May god brings best for you.

Acharya Vaishnav

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