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 Know Your Future
  Sample Horoscope (English)
  Sample Horoscope (Hindi)

Know your future: Palmistry

                                                                                                               * Mandatory
Personal Information

Name : *
E-Mail : *
Sex : *
Date of Birth : / / [dd/mm/yyyy]
Time of Birth : : : [hh:mm:ss  24 hour format]
City of Birth :
State of Birth :
Country of Birth :

Palm Information

Colour :  *
Thickness :  * milimeter
Flexibility :  *

Nails Information

Colour :  *
Shape :  *

Nail's Moon

Moons are found usually in the roots of the nails in different size.

Moon :  *
Size :  *

Finger Type

This is taken from the back side of the finger. Shows in Figure.

Fingers :  *

Palm Images *

You have the following options to send your Palm's Images

E-Mail (Send at: as an Attachment)
Normal Mail (or Post) Address
Upload Right Now Upload photo on Next Page

Photo Upload:
If You don't have your Palm's Photographs right now and You want it to be upload later. Than you can do this through the link provided in E-Mail, that's send to you by us, when you complete your order.
But here you should select Upload Right Now Option.

Note: Scanning or photo of both palms of front side with closed fingers and open fingers from bracelet to upper tips of the fingers. (Bracelets are two and three vertical lines appear in the lower part of the wrist in every palm. Some times these are three and four lines in clear position and some times in broken position). It means you should send four snaps.

Open Fingers

Close Fingers

Report Language

Select One of the following Language in which you want your Horoscope.

English    Hindi

Payment Mode

The charges of your horoscope is INR 600.
Specify the mode of payment by which you want to Pay.

DD / Money Order (Only in India)    CC