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tantramantra Books
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Title :  Practicals Of Mantras Tantras
Mantra shakti is the supreme than tantra shakti. The book is divided into two parts the tantra and the mantra. Both deal with mystic formulae. Mantra and Tantra are Sandhanas, methods, path and technique. These are not magic or jadoo tona. This science consists of occult practices to be undertaken under the guidance of a guru. It enjoins the worships of a deva or deities, meditation on them, the recitation on mantras and the use of Tantra and Mantra for achieving the goal. All such methods have been provided in detail in this book. The author through years Sadhna and practice has provided certain Mantras and Tantras, which stand tested for their results and have been, indicated so. The others are academic research and practice by the students and sadhakas.

: L.R. Chawdhri
Publisher :Sagar Publications
Pages :260
Weight :430Gm Width :14Cm Height :22Cm