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With the advance of science, the old order in the kingdom of religion has changed. No one now believes or bothers that the events of this world are ordained by the capricious will of an anthropomorphic deity. Ceremonial observances have lost their mystic significance, and the hierophants of every cult are no longer regarded and respected as the vicegerants of God. The pictures of hell and eternal demnation which has terrified the pious in the past now afford only entertainment to the scientifically trained sceptics of the modern world.

Religion is the internal experience of the consciousness of the divine. It is the realization and sense of dependence on an Almighty Power within and without ourselves.

Today, persons accepting religion as the their calling, are assiduously searching and re-searching the scriptures of the world in the hope of arriving at Universal Truths operative irrespective of time, place or nationality.
The need for religion as a vital force in the life of man is increasing recognised and the search is going on for a true religion without outworn superstitions, traditional reverences, fossilized customs, rigid conventionalities and empty ceremonialism. Englightened persons are searching today for a religion without sterile formalisms, adamantine dogmatisms, sectarian polemic, theological despotism and the most censurable law-abiding sanctimoniousness.
It is possible then to have a religion which is satisfying, a religious consciousness without irresponsible freedom or object dependence, without drowsy devotion or mawkish sentimentality, without dogmatic formulae or bureaucratic discipline, without the funk of eternal damnation or inexorable destiny, which does not veto the conclusions of science or inculcate the unintelligent acceptance of an incomprehensible metaphysical reality. In short , is it possible to formulate a new religion as an adventure of the soul, an inner psychic experience? The answer to this question is the religion of tomorrow.
Substance of Religion
Religion is the internal experience of the consciousness of the divine. It is the realization and sense of dependence on an almighty power within and without ourselves. It is the revelation of a new world of values having an appeal to our town purified emotions. It is the conscious experience of our individual, spiritual and sublimated selves.
Religion is the intuitive apprehension of the underlying reality of things and the sense of union with the force guiding our destinies. Belief in and resignation to a sustaining providence, the realization of the harmony of nature and the unity and identity of oneself with all creation, and the realization of the supreme truth that the same Principle of Life animates man, vegetables and animal kingdom in order to mingle our several voices in the universal chorus and harmony of creation, constitute the quintessence of religion.
This supreme dedication of one's thought, feelings and actions to realise harmony and poise within oneself is the religion of man. It is the view of life as a sacrament in the perfection of the spirit by means of absolute self-surrender, a supreme dedication of oneself - body and soul - for a cause, conviction or belief.
Religious Experience

The divinity within us responds to the beauty and richness of life outside us through the joy of religious experience. This recognition of the identity of ourselves with the source of our vital and spiritual sustenance and of our individual life as part of the universal life is made possible through the medium of religion. Religion is the living recognition and spontaneous expression of the identification of the creative spirit in man and nature. It is the identification of oneself with all life, and the response of the whole man to the whole universe.

Religion is identical with the sense of direction in human life. We discover and realize within  ourselves a divinity that is ourselves. The total response of our being to the divinity that is within and without is the sum and substance of religion.
Religious experience, which is a scientifically unanalyzable whole, is the transformaion of our lives and the conversion of our entire being by means of taming of the passions, the discipline of the emotions, the control of the senses and the baptism of the blood.
Religious LIfe
Life is religion in the creative vision of the artist, in the connoiseur's delight in the things of beauty, and in the inquisitive sudent's longing for knowledge. There is religion in our wonder and bewilderment at the order and orderliness, the regularity and rhythm of the phenomena of Nature. There is religion in the lowly devotee's worship of the gods, in the passion for possession of unselfish love, in the reciprocal understanding of accommodating friends, in the merging of the soul, in the harmony of music, in the will to righteousness of the pious humanitarian and in the compassion of the reformer for the despised and downtrodden. There  is religion in the quest of the philosopher for wisdom, of the man of action for distinction, and of humanity for ideals. There is also religion in the courageous endeavour of the scientist to conquer Nature herself.
To realize divinity by the sense of communion and oneness with the rest of creation and by the complete identification of our own welfare with that of others and to realize the infinite beauty, richness and harmony of God's creations is the religious ideal of life. In the attainment of poise by the serene contemplation of the pageant of life, in the conscientious disharge of one's moral and social obligations, in the inner solicitude for promoting peace and harmony everywhere and in the dispassionate pursuit of truth, the spiritual necessities of one's self find scope for abiding satisfaction.

The aim of religion, in short, is to solve the mystery of life, to discover the ultimate purpose of human activity and to reconcile the self with itself.
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